P.A.T Healing

What is Progressive Alpha Therapy.

Progressive Alpha Therapy or P.A.T. is an amazing multi-faceted healing system that works on a wholly positive basis.
once the practitioner has eased the client into a relaxed state of being, there will be a continued flow of positive words and expressions induced throughout the treatment session.

 P.A.T works in conjunction with the Dr. Mikao Usui System of Natural Healing. ‘Reiki’, this enables the Progressive Alpha Therapy Practitioner to facilitate a deeper  healing session with lasting results.

Whilst the client is in a relaxed state of being, this allows the clients deep seated subconscious beliefs of a negative focus and tone to be easily transmuted with positive placement of words and a new brighter focus toward the beauty surrounding them. 
Following the initial consultation, the client is invited to relax on the treatment platform and the session will begin by merging soft language patterns and the subliminal programming of NLP. Whilst utilizing ancient relaxation techniques to induce the Alpha brainwave state of mind and incorporating gentle audio manipulation to stimulate and harmonize both hemispheres of the brain to allow a positive whole mind and body experience.

 The practitioner commences the P.A.T. session by tuning into the Reiki energies enhanced by the use of specifically chosen crystals. (master level) The client having already been assisted into a highly relaxed state of mind now feels the energy of this enhanced and powerful healing technique in which the already wonderful Reiki energy waves and vibrant crystal therapy (master level) energies combine to heal mental, spiritual, emotional and physical issues on a whole new holistic level.

An amazing multi-faceted healing system

Progressive Alpha Therapy